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BOOK ONE - The Loki of Midgard Series

Published by: Soul Splash Press
Series: The Loki of Midgard Series, Book 1
Publication Date: March 2019
Paperback ISBN: 978-1733707602
Paperback Trim: 5.5" x 8.5" - 358 pages

Loki of Midgard: The Making of a Magician

By Jennifer Evergreen

If you think you know the Norse god of mischief, think again. Things are not always what they seem, and this trickster is full of surprises.


"Very original and a fresh take on the character, Loki"  —Amanda D
"A journey filled with intrigue and entanglements" —Tracy E
"We suspect this talented ... woman is the next JK Rowling" —Award-winning radio host, Mark Alyn


As Loki's rite of passage draws ever closer on Asgard, a secret portal just outside the palace repeatedly, almost forcibly, entices him back to Midgard (Earth). It's the fascinating Jazz Age of 1924. As Loki travels throughout Europe, dazzling adoring crowds with his colorful illusions, he feeds his growing thirst for fame. Parading as Lukas Black, the showman and magician, proves far more intriguing than studying or playing second fiddle to his warrior brother, Thor. Back on Asgard, King Odin begins to value the overlooked prince, who suspects the Asgardian noblewoman he is expected to marry is connected to both the threat to his father's throne and the murderous stalker pursuing him on Midgard. Meanwhile, why can he not forget the beautiful American singer promised to another?


Torn between two worlds, Loki plays a high-stakes game of risk and danger that could cost him everything. Will his double life be his undoing?


Historical fiction and fantasy lovers alike will find themselves captivated by each twist and turn as Loki explores Norway, France, England, Belgium, and Germany. Join Loki in experiencing

  • The music, magic, food, and culture of the Roaring Twenties

  • Bohemian Paris, theatrical London, and some of the most famous cities on Earth

  • Favorite places and characters from 1920s history, including the Folies Bergère and author James Joyce

  • Gods and goddesses from Norse mythology

  • A bit of fun with Shakespeare

Praise for
Loki of Midgard: The Making of a Magician

"This is not the Marvel Loki, nor is it the Original Loki. In This world we have a new Loki, just about to come of age where he will be considered an adult. He is the second son of Oden. He finds a way to earth and sneaks away to visit the planet. He finds out about the myths and stories of the Norse gods, and wonders who wrote such lies about his family. He assumes an identity and starts doing magic shows, traveling all over our world. He falls for a beautiful woman who is already claimed by another and that is when the story and his trouble take off. The story is well written, interesting and worth reading. I found it to be very enjoyable." —Debra G. Hatfield


"Have you ever read a book and ended up sad at the conclusion because you will never again have the joy of reading it for the first time? This book was that for me. Without delving into plot details (there are plenty of other reviews for a general idea), what struck me most with this book is how human and accessible Loki is here.
As a rule in legend and most popular fiction, Loki is cruel and petty, devious and sly. A jealous, petulant child who lives to torture all others in ways large and small. In Ms. Meinking’s book, Loki is a nuanced, fully realized being with hopes and dreams and love and longing. Yes, he is a trickster who delights in upending others’ expectations. However, it is not out of malice. Just good fun. I am anxiously awaiting the rest of the series to find out what happens next. I can’t wait to be reunited with these characters again. Including the horse."
Yaya Bardsky


"A delightfully refreshing tale interwoven with intrigue, mystery, romance and adventure combines colorful characters and absorbing plot twists in a fantasy page-turner. Replete with vignettes of weightier matters, historical snippets and other literary morsels to ponder and enjoy, "Loki of Midgard" is a novel you'll not want to end." —Deborah Frazier


"I am drawn in! I have enjoyed reading half of “Loki of Midgard, the Making of a Magician” to this point, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the story will unearth. Discovering more background and history about a controversial and complex character is captivating. The reader is taken on a journey filled with intrigue and entanglements." —Tracy Elgersma



Also by Jennifer Evergreen

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